Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Information about Tattoo Hygiene

Our studios are equipped with biohazard containers for objects that have come into contact with blood or bodily fluids, sharps containers for old needles, and an autoclave for sterilizing tools. Each tattooist is thoroughly trained to take all precautions to ensure the safety of our clients. This includes the washing their hands before tattooing a client as well as wearing a new pair of disposable latex gloves for each client.

During each tattoo session, your tattooist will open a new package of sterile needles in front of you that they will use. Any other disposable instruments or supplies that will be used during the session will be both new and sterile, again being opened in front of you before use. Each session will use fresh ink loaded into disposable containers which are discarded after each client. Also, all areas which may be touched with contaminated gloves will be wrapped in clear plastic to prevent cross-contamination.

Equipment that cannot be autoclaved (such as countertops, machines, and furniture) will be wiped with a hospital-strength germicidal disinfectant. Before any tattooing begins, we also ensure that the area on your body where the tattoo will be applied, is shaved using a disposable one use razor and then disinfected to prevent cross-contamination.

All our studios are regulated by their local department of health. http://www.perfectimage.ca/tattoo-hygiene.php


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